Book 6 - I, Robot

Friday, March 23, 2012

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I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov, is a novel that I was looking forward to reading since I have seen the movie, of the same title.

I, Robot is a story about a futuristic world governed by robotic mechanics and highly-advanced "machines" that regulate the world as a whole. This concept is very interesting and it made me think about what it would be like if such was the case. Would we be gradually exposed to such changes and hence would not really notice? Or would our world be dominated by robots in a short period of time? This novel allowed me to explore such questions and quench my curiosity.

For some odd reason, I once again preferred the movie to the novel from which it was based, albeit in this case it was very loosely based on said novel. Thus far, it seems that whenever I see a movie prior to reading the book, I prefer the movie. Perhaps this is because I have a very active imagination so when I see the movie beforehand I cannot image the characters, landscapes and scenes the way I would if I had never seen it represented. Either way, the book was a good read, but I found it to be missing some key pieces to make the plot and likewise the novel complete. I would have liked a more intense ending. Furthermore, in some instances I would have liked more details and more explanations regarding the ongoing scenes.

My Rating: Terrible < Poor < Acceptable < Good < Very Good < Excellent


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